terça-feira, 15 de outubro de 2019

Egypt: Jailed activist Ramy Shaath 'is a prisoner of conscience', wife tells FRANCE 24 #breakingnews #breaking #worldhealines

Céline Lebrun-Shaath is the wife of Ramy Shaath, a Palestinian-Egyptian activist who has been jailed in Egypt since July. Ramy Shaath is the coordinator in Egypt of the boycott campaign against Israel, BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions). He is also the son of Nabil Shaath, a well-known Palestinian Authority figure who is still an advisor to Mahmoud Abbas. Shaath has been charged with assisting a "terrorist group" and might have to wait two years for a trial. Lebrun-Shaath, a French national, tells FRANCE 24 her husband is a "prisoner of conscience" and calls for his immediate release.

from https://ift.tt/2BfTGxy

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